Surf Smarter Not Harder

What I Learned About Productivity from Surfing

Surf Smarter Not Harder

The first tip is to identify a good wave before entering the water. Look for a wave that holds up and looks surfable. Pay attention to where these waves are breaking and try to find a spot to paddle out to that will position you well to catch them.

The second tip is to be aware of your surroundings once you are in the water. Use landmarks on the beach to keep track of where you are and how far out you need to be. Pay attention to other surfers around you as well, especially how they react to waves, to get clues about where to position yourself.

The third tip is to constantly be moving around in the water. Waves are always changing, so you need to adjust your position. Look for the peaks in the waves and paddle towards them to catch the wave at the best spot.

The bonus tip is to pay attention to other surfers' body language. If you can't see over a wave yourself, look at how other surfers are reacting. If they start paddling quickly, it means there is probably a wave coming that you can't see yet. By watching other surfers, you can get clues about what's happening around you and position yourself accordingly.

Credits: Many thanks to Longboard Sessions for the video material used on this page! We wrote the summaries and added specific tid-bits for our readers and listeners. Longboard Sessions produced and owns this video. We are consumers of the awesome resources but have no affiliation.